Police Scotland Campaign - Sex without consent is rape: We Can Stop It.

In a significant proportion of rape convictions in Scotland, perpetrators have appeared unclear regarding what constitutes consent.

03 April

It is essential for men of all ages to understand that sex without consent is rape, regardless of circumstances.

Key facts:

  • Sex without consent is rape. If a person is unable to give consent to sexual activity, for whatever reason, then this is rape, a serious criminal offence.
  • People cannot consent to sex when they are asleep.
  • If you have sex with someone who is incapacitated or cannot give consent for whatever reason, this is rape.
  • Being in any form of relationship does not give the right to have sex without consent.
  • Police Scotland will seek justice for victims by taking action against perpetrators.
  • Tackling the serious crime of rape is a priority for Police Scotland; rape is completely unacceptable in Scotland.

Visit the We Can Stop It website (opens new window) for more information