
Provides anonymized sensor images to monitor the user.

RoomMate is a unique solution to provide safe and secure supervision, which takes into account citizens' privacy.  Municipalities use the RoomMate solution to look after people who need supervision and alerts in risk situations. The sensor can send anonymized images of the situation in the room, allowing healthcare personnel to control alarms and carry out supervision without disturbing the citizen or making unnecessary intervention in privacy.  RoomMate is a so-called passive warning sensor that alerts you to falls and other potentially dangerous incidents without the citizen having to carry equipment on the body. The RoomMate sensor can also be connected to equipment for active notification outside the viewing area of the sensor or as an added safety. 


  • Offers dignified care 
  • Users can enjoy uninterupted sleep with less physical supervision
  • Provides carers a break with less in person care needed 

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