Adult Support and Protection - 7 Minute Briefings
7-Minute Briefings are summaries on a wide variety of topics on adult protection which can be used to cascade learning across teams.
7 Minute briefings
- 7 Minute Briefing – Herbert Protocol (PDF, 227 KB)(opens new window)
- 7 Minute Briefing – Scottish Fire and Rescue Service - Safe and Well Project (PDF, 195 KB)(opens new window)
- 7 Minute briefing - SFRS Home Fire Safety Visit (HFSV) (PDF, 209 KB)(opens new window)
- 7 Minute briefing - West Lothian Chief Officers Group (COG) and Adult Protection Committee (APC) (PDF, 234 KB)(opens new window)
- 7 minute Forced Marriage Briefing (PDF, 201 KB)(opens new window)
- 7-minute briefing - Adult Support and Protection facts file (PDF, 205 KB)(opens new window)
- West Lothian Chief Officers Group and Adult Protection- 7 minute briefing. (PDF, 234 KB)(opens new window)
- 7 Minute Briefing - Criminal Exploitation (PDF, 327 KB)(opens new window)