Quality Improvement

Quality improvement in the MSK Out-Patients West Lothian Service.

Within MSK out-patient Physiotherapy, Quality Improvement is extremely important to us. We want to make sure we are providing you the best care possible by continuing to review our service and make changes where required.

We have a number of ways we use to gain your feedback.

  • We regularly use feedback questionnaires to find out how physiotherapy has impacted on your symptoms and quality of life.
  • We also use a questionnaire to find out how your consultation went: did you feel listened to and involved in decisions regarding your treatment options and plans?
  • We have a Patient suggestions box which is open to any of your suggestions in relation to our physiotherapy service.
  • We also regularly carry out randomly selected patient stories where we invite you in to talk about your experience in physiotherapy.
  • Patient shadowing is also something we do. We invite another NHS worker to pose as a patient's family member or friend and attend their physiotherapy appointment with them. Following the consultation we then gain feedback from both the patient and NHS worker.

With all of the invaluable information and feedback we gather from the above avenues we are then able to evaluate our service and make changes to improve the care we offer you.

Thanks for being involved in the Quality Improvement of our service!